A B O U T T H E A U T H O R S 1 Jason Boardman This is the second issue that has featured Jason's poetry. Jason continues to write and plans on public readings in the near future. 2 Patrick Burton This is Patrick's second appearance in The PowderKeg magazine. However, this is the first time his poetry has been featured. Patrick gave a tremendous performance of the poem included in this edition during a poetry reading in Toronto recently. 3 Melodie Campbell "Behind the Alias" is the second in a series of five BBS mystery stories that the PowderKeg will be printing. The first story, "A Moment In Time" was run in the last issue of the magazine. Both stories have appeared in San Diego's Computeredge, and Toronto Computes. 4 Cyril Chen Cyril runs "Shard Press" an independent press publisher. This is his first appearance in the PowderKeg. Cyril writes while listening to music the likes of Alien Sex Fiend, The Sisters of Mercy, and Ministry. His writing carries the same aggressive tone as the music he listens to. 5 Peter Holliday This is Peter's first appearance in the magazine. Peter often succumbs to intellectual shock resulting from theorizing on elusive theoretical quantum theories. 6 Michal Jordan-Rozwadowski Mike is the vice-president of the Kappa Alpha literary society. He recently shattered his writer's block by falling in love with a waitress from the Reunion Room in Fort Lauderdale Florida. His story is both dedicated to, and inspired by her. 7 Gene Lee Gene is a computer science student at the University of Waterloo. Gene is another "first timer" for the pages of the PowderKeg. 8 J.P. Mienfalke J.P. Mienfalke's story published in the last edition of the PowderKeg, received a positive reaction from the public. Fuelled by his success, J.P. has created another twisted, yet hilarious, short story. 9 Brian O'Reilly Recently returning from a hitch-hiking voyage through western North America, Brian was quick to tell the story of his performance piece "Shocked". First performed in Victoria British Columbia, Brian was accompanied by a bass through his reading. 10 Murray Smith Murray's satire is relentless. His story "So Long To Arms" is a terrific example. Someone recently commented that not knowing army life, they didn't really "get" his story. Murray quipped back with, "So join the army. When they ask you why you want to join, you can reply, 'to get the joke'."